
Post marked as solved
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In DRM-protected files, usually there's a Clear Lead -- the first few seconds are clear. It allows playback to start without having to wait for license response, improving video start time (and user experience).The question is, therefore: if a stream has clear lead, will AVPlayer start playing without waiting for response from the DRM server?
by noamtk.
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2 Replies
In online playback with FairPlay, if the license duration is very short (for example, 90 seconds in a one-hour asset) - will AVPlayer stop the playback in the middle?In my experience, it doesn't - but maybe we're doing something wrong when building the license on our KSM.According to the FPS PG, there are 3 types of duration:Content key durationLease DurationRental DurationWhat's the purpose of each? It's not very clear in the guide.Which one of them should be set if I want the playback to halt mid-stream when the license expires (if at all possible)?Thanks, Noam.
by noamtk.
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9 Replies
Since the source code for the KSM is open and the spec explains exactly the structure of the CKC, what's stopping pirates from hacking FairPlay by parsing the CKC and extracting the content key? Is there a shared secret that they would need (that secret would have to somehow be shared between the device and the KSM).The FairPlay certificate, being a public key, is also public knowledge; depending on the setup, it's usually shared on an Internet-facing server or as a resource in the app.
by noamtk.
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I want to play a podcast (given as an audio-only HLS asset) in my app.How do I deal with the following:- I need to display some poster for the podcast where you usually see video- The podcast has subtitles (as SUBTITLE streams in the HLS)The subtitles should be displayed on top of the poster, and they must be in sync with the audio, obviously.
by noamtk.
Last updated