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I'm just getting into development on mac os and I made a simple app for the touch bar that allows you to change the color (with a nscolorpicker) of a label that is also on the touch bar.Now I would like to get the same effect on the actual window like so: I change the color using the picker on the touch bar and the color of the colorwell in the window changes as well.This is the code that I currently have for the touch bar actions:import Cocoa @available(OSX 10.12.2, *) class MainWindowController: NSWindowController { @IBOutlet weak var cptHello: NSColorPickerTouchBarItem! @IBOutlet var lblHello: NSTextField! override func windowDidLoad() { super.windowDidLoad() / cptHello.color = NSColor.white setCol() } func setCol(){ lblHello.textColor = cptHello.color } @IBAction func colorPicked(_ sender: Any) { setCol() } }This piece of code resides in MainWindowController.swift which is paired with the window controller.In the view controller, I have a single NSColorWell that I would like to change the color for inside the function "setCol()". I created an outlet in the view controller for it like so:@IBOutlet var cwHello: NSColorWell!So ideally what I want to achieve is something like this: func setCol(){ lblHello.textColor = cptHello.color ViewController.cwHello.color = cptHello.colr }Can this be done at all?
by noahvt.
Last updated