
Post marked as solved
4 Replies
I work on a Messaging app. I am trying to update our app so that it will donate communication intents whenever a message is received. The problem is, even though I am successfully creating an INSendMessageIntent, with a sender (INPerson) with an associated INImage, iOS 15 never actually shows the sender's avatar/image. Is there something more I need to do? This is basically what my code does: INImage *senderImage = [INImage imageWithImageData:imageData]; INPerson *const contact = [[INPerson alloc]                   initWithPersonHandle:handle                   nameComponents:components                   displayName:context.notification.content.title                   image:senderImage                   contactIdentifier:nil                   customIdentifier:senderId.stringValue]; INSendMessageIntent *intent = [[INSendMessageIntent alloc]                     initWithRecipients:@[recipient]                     outgoingMessageType:INOutgoingMessageTypeUnknown                     content:messageText                     speakableGroupName:nil                     conversationIdentifier:threadId                     serviceName:@"Instagram Direct"                     sender:contact                     attachments:nil]; nseContentHandler([notifContent contentByUpdatingWithProvider:intent error:&error]); I am doing all of this in the Notification Service Extension. I can see that the image is valid/nonnull and the contentByUpdatingWithProvider:error: method does not set an error, so I am quite confused
by nightsd01.
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