
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
Right.So Im testing my code. I ran a test for what happens if the user interrupts the purchase before i've actually given it to them - in other wods "SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased" has happened, but i havent given them their purchase yet (say the phone was turned off), so "[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];" Wasnt called.Now when I try to make the same purchase i get a message box saying:"this in-app purchase has already been bought"Which is correct. HOWEVER, I dont receive ANY messages in my SKPaymentTransactionObserver after this? I would be hoping to receive a message saying "SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored" or similar? But I get nothing! So I cant now finish this transaction!So my code is now stuck with no way to give this purchase!Is there supposed to be another message when this happens? How am I supposed to handle this? The documentation says absolutely nothing that i can find.
by mrclam.
Last updated