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Please provide the following information regarding the Volume Purchase Program.It uses the `contentmetadatalookupurl` API to get information about custom B2B apps.However, the response of the `contentmetadatalookupurl` API does not contain information that corresponds to the version of the custom B2B app.The assumption was that the `version` key was included inside the` offers` key included in the response.But the `offers` key is empty.How can I get custom B2B app version information with the `contentmetadatalookupurl` API?Also, if you can't get version information of custom B2B app with `contentmetadatalookupurl` API, please tell me an alternative.# Reproduction procedureMake an API call.```curl -i -X POST \-H "Cookie:itvt=omitted..." \-d \'' \''```# Response{ "results":{ "ommited...":{ "artwork":{ "width":1024, "url":"{w}x{h}bb.{f}", "height":1024, "textColor3":"2f2d57", "textColor2":"060848", "textColor4":"34345d", "hasAlpha":false, "textColor1":"000041", "bgColor":"efe4b0", "hasP3":false, "supportsLayeredImage":false }, "artistName":"ommited...", "url":"", "shortUrl":"", "softwareInfo":{ "seller":"ommited...", "languagesDisplayString":"English", "requirementsString":"Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.", "eulaUrl":null, "supportUrl":"ommited...", "websiteUrl":"ommited...", "privacyPolicyUrl":"ommited...", "privacyPolicyTextUrl":null }, "deviceFamilies":[ "iphone", "ipad", "ipod" ], "genreNames":[ "Business" ], "whatsNew":"ommited...", "nameSortValue":"ommited...", "id":"ommited...", "releaseDate":"2016-05-18", "userRating":{ "value":0, "ratingCount":0, "valueCurrentVersion":0, "ratingCountCurrentVersion":0 }, "contentRatingsBySystem":{ "appsApple":{ "name":"4+", "value":100, "rank":1 } }, "name":"ommited...", "artistUrl":"", "nameRaw":"ommited...", "editorialArtwork":{ }, "bundleId":"ommited...", "isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled":true, "isB2BCustomApp":true, "kind":"iosSoftware", "copyright":"ommited...", "latestVersionReleaseDate":"May 17, 2016", "artistId":"ommited...", "genres":[ { "genreId":"6000", "name":"Business", "url":"", "mediaType":"8" } ], "minimumOSVersion":"6.0", "description":{ "standard":"ommited..." }, "requiredCapabilities":"armv7 ", "offers":[ ] } }, "version":2, "isAuthenticated":false, "meta":{ "storefront":{ "id":"143441", "cc":"US" }, "language":{ "tag":"en-us" } }}
by mo_2019.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
0 Replies
Executed MDM command "EraseDevice" for macOS Catalina.As a result, the macOS device was initialized, but the device failed to start.# procedure for reproducing1. Install MDM configuration profile on macOS Catalina.2. For macOS Catalina, run the MDM command “EraseDevice”.3. On macOS Catalina, the screen will turn black and you will be prompted to enter a 6-digit PIN code.4. Enter the 6-digit PIN code.5. macOS Catalina will restart.6. One of the following screens described on the support page is displayed. * Prohibitory symbol * Question mark * Blank (empty) screen# Expected results* The macOS Utilities window screen described in the support page above is displayed.Assumes that "expected result" is the correct behavior.If you know a solution, please teach me.
by mo_2019.
Last updated