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We have implemented swipe to delete with confirmation introduced in iOS15 and now when we start showing confirmation Dialog in iOS16.1 Beta 4, the app crashes apparently when internally [UISwipeOccurrence _executeLifecycleForPerformedAction:sourceView:completionHandler:] is called. Here is the code simplified:        List {         ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in           ItemView(item: item)             .swipeActions {               Button(role: .destructive) {                 itemToDelete = item                 showDeleteConfirmation = true               } label: {                 Image(systemName: "trash")               }             }         }       }       .confirmationDialog(deleteConfirmationTitle,                 isPresented: $showDeleteConfirmation,                 titleVisibility: .visible) {         Button(role: .destructive) {           if let itemToDelete {             withAnimation {               model.delete(itemToDelete)             }           }         } label: {           Text("Delete")         }         Button(role: .cancel) {         } label: {           Text("Cancel")         }       } Appreciate any ideas and feedback.
by mneuwert.
Last updated
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We have a notification service extension which does silent login to our backing to get and update notification content. Login response comes with HTTP header Set-Cookie which adds session cookie used to identify login session. Then in the app we have actions registered for the corresponding category identifier. Both actions result in requests to our backend which also require session cookie. Both extension and the app have AppGroup entitlement and use same app group. Then we configure HTTPCookieStorage: let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.sharedCookieStorage(forGroupContainerIdentifier:<group_id>) let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default configuration.httpCookieStorage = NetworkClient.cookieStorage And we do use the very same configuration for all requests in extension / app, however when the app is spawned in the background after user taps one of the notification actions, the cookie storage in the app is empty. Although beforehand the cookie is set in the extension. Tested with with iOS 14.4.2. Also the question would be if it is possible to activate CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS in both app and extension? App works so far. But not getting logs for the extension in the console. Appreciate any help and / or ideas.
by mneuwert.
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Dear community,would appreaciate any help. We have implemented handling of universal links in our app and I am struggling with following issues:- We have uploaded apple-app-site-association file under /.well-known/ on our test server but it can be validated by App Search API Validation Tool which returns error code 469. Trying to download it with curl seems all fine (HTTP 200, correct content type and so on). E.g. it passes validator test as well.- Universal links can be opened in simulator running iOS12.1, iOS12.4 and iOS13 in all cases (app is running in the background, app is terminated). To open the link I use xcrun simctl openurl booted &lt;link_URL&gt;. All fine so far.- When running on the device with iOS13.3 installed, opening universal link only works properly if the app is running in the background. If it has been terminated, after tapping the link (either embedded into HTML file or from the Mail app), the app is getting launched but neitherapplication(continue userActivity:.., restorationHandler:..)norscene(... continue userActivity:..)delegate method is called.😟Any ideas? Appreaciate!Test URL we are using:
by mneuwert.
Last updated