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Is there a way to render stereoscopic (left/right) images in a 2d plane that resides in a swiftUI view? I know this is possible in realityKit shaders, and in immersive metal composits, but is it possible via swiftUI shaders, CAMetalLayer, etc? I'd like to draw a 2d window with standard UI chrome (resize, move etc) that displays stereoscopic content on the flat plane of the window.
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Im trying to programmatically alter a a video frame before applying it to geometry using VideoMaterial. What I'm finding is that the output appears as though no videoCompositor was applied to the playerItem. Is this expected behavior? Is there a work around besides using an ExportSession to bounce the movie to disk?
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If I switch from objective c to objective c++ interoperability in Xcode 15, I'm getting errors when trying to use NSEvent.ModifierFlags ("Expected a type"). I can't seem to find a workaround.
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Hello, A vendor recently updated their SDK and I'm trying to update my project to use the new dylib. I'm not able to use the dylib out of the box due to linking problems, so fired up install_name_tool to update the id to properly work in my situation (similar thing worked with their prior release.) However, with this build I'm getting the error: % install_name_tool -id @rpath/libblahblahblah.dylib libblahblahblah.dylib /Applications/ fatal error: file not in an order that can be processed (link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment): libblahblahblah.dylib (for architecture x86_64) Google isn't returning much beyond explanations of the macho file layout. Is there a simple way to alter the dylib locally to address this? Is there something I can suggest the vendor does upstream? Thanks, mike
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I'm building a developer ID notarized app which relies on a file within my resource folder for licensing, in such a way that I don't need to obfuscate it, but I would like to block casual users from altering it. This seems like a perfect job for code signing. I tried running the following code to check my currently running executable's signing status, but it passes immediately after notarizing, but also after I alter files in my resource folder or the info.plist. pid_t pid = getpid(); SecCodeRef code = nil; CFNumberRef pidnumber = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &pid); CFDictionaryRef piddict = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&kSecGuestAttributePid, (const void**)&pidnumber, 1, nil, nil); if(!SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(nil, piddict, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &code)) {          is_valid = SecCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, 0); } However, from the command line I get the following: % codesign --verify /Users/mike/Desktop/ /Users/mike/Desktop/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid How can I configure things to get a fail state from SecCodeCheckValidity? Thanks, mike
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I know this is a long shot, but I just found out I wont be available at 2:40 today for my lab appointment in the HDR and EDR lab. Is there a way to request an earlier time (assuming there's availability)?
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I'm trying unsuccesfully to upgrade our CIImage based video display pipeline to wide color and HDR. The problem is finding a >8bit pixelformat supported by CIImage imageWithIOSurface: or imageWithCVImageBuffer:for all but the most common formats (32, '2vuy', etc) i get the following error on console:[api] [CIImage initWithIOSurface:options:] failed because surface format was x422.I've tried kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr10BiPlanarVideoRange (suggested format for HEVC wide decomp according to avf wwdc video) and numerous others.Are supported pixelformats documented anywhere?
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Hello,After a recent update of Catalina, our metal app stopped using the discrete gpu (instead scheduling all work on the macbook's integrated gpu). I've confirmed that we are setting up metal with the discrete gpu's device.Is this a known issue? Has the API changed somehow to trigger automatic graphics switching?mike
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I'm trying to compile some compute kernel source, and force it to all run precise or fast.The docs ( of MTLCompileOptions.fastMathEnabled -- The default value is YES. A YES value also enables the high-precision variant of math functions for single-precision floating-point scalar and vector types.Is this a typo? NO would enable high precision, correct?Second, it appears I can do this with a c++ namespace in the kernel source itself. Am I correct that doing so will override the setting in MTLCompileOptions.fastMathEnabled?Can I wrap my kernel inusing namespace metal::fast // metal::preciseto get all float math to compile is one variant or the other? Will this change simple float operations as well? or just functions like clamp/saturate?Thanks,mike
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