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Notarization step fails: New AppID and password created: xcrun notarytool submit “.dmg” --apple-id “” --team-id “” --password “” --verbose --wait Error: HTTP status code: 401. Your Apple ID has been locked. Visit iForgot to reset your account (, then generate a new app-specific password. Ensure that all authentication arguments are correct. I have reset app password many times, not result. Codesigning completes normally: Mac OS 11.5.2 Xcode 13.2.1
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For many versions of macOS I have shipped an application, EndpointService. EndpointService is installed in /Library/Application Support/Identity Finder. It runs as root, and is owned by root:wheel. It is controlled by a LaunchDaemon plist. After install, the newly installed version has always run without a problem without a rebooting the machine. Recently (I think starting in Mojave), EndpointService will not start until the machine is rebooted, then after that it runs normally. Without a reboot, running launchctl load fails to start the app, and even just doing a version check from the command line results in "Killed: 9". Is this a SIP problem? Is a reboot now required?Here is the com.identityfinder.launchdaemon.plist file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>EnvironmentVariables</key><dict><key>LANG</key><string>C</string></dict><key>AbandonProcessGroup</key><true/><key>KeepAlive</key><true/><key>Label</key><string>com.identityfinder.launchdaemon</string><key>ProgramArguments</key><array><string>/Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/EndpointService</string><string>--launchd</string></array><key>StartInterval</key><integer>300</integer></dict></plist>Here's the listing:$ ls -ltotal 133136-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 36519424 Jan 10 10:54 EndpointServiceIf I even try to just get the version, it won't start:$ /Library/Application\ Support/Identity\ Finder/EndpointService --versionKilled: 9
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