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I am using an AVCaptureSession in a macOS application for real time scan/image feature detection. Since most iPhone cameras are better than most Mac cameras I also support Continuity Camera. This generally works very well. However, when the user wants to point the iPhone/Continuity camera down at a document on the desk, as is most likely the case, the Continuity camera flips and 'corrects' the video orientation to landscape. How can I prevent that? I am using more or less the exact architecture that apple provides in the Supporting Continuity Camera sample app.
by mehlkelm.
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I need to display a "Search and add item to list" workflow in a SwiftUI Mac App that requires comparing lots of details. Therefore I want to show a NavigationSplitView with search results and detail view in a sheet (to make the workflow modal). However the NavigationSplitView is missing its children's navigation bars and bar items. Here is a really simple sample app demonstrating the problem. It should display a navigationTitle but doesn't: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Hello, world!") } .padding() .frame(width:800, height:800) .sheet(isPresented: .constant(true), content: { NavigationSplitView { List { Text("Item") } .navigationTitle("Title") } detail: { Text("Detail") } .frame(width:600, height:400) }) } } How to fix/work around this?
by mehlkelm.
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I use WebViews to display some of the information inside my app. To support dark mode it would be great if we were able to use semantic colors in CSS, like "label" or "secondarySystemFillColor".I triedp { color:-apple-label }orp { color: label }and similar things, none of which worked.Is there a way to use the new iOS 13 semantic colors in CSS?
by mehlkelm.
Last updated