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I have an app where a user chooses a video from their library using UIImagePickerController. When I present the the UIImagePickerController, I set a custom title for it ("Choose Video"). I have done this in the past (pre-iOS 13) by setting my class as a UINavigationControllerDelegate, and calling one of the delegate functions like this:func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) { viewController.navigationItem.title = "Choose Video"}However, this seems to be broken when I run the app on iOS 13. No matter how I try to set the title, the nav bar of the picker will always be set to the default title ("Photos"). When I build the app on Xcode 11 with an iOS 12 simulator the title is set correctly.Is there a change in behavior for this on iOS 13? Or is this a bug?I am using the Xcode 11 GM Seed.
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