
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi everyone, I have generated an .ipa of my app and have install it onto my device and I want to run it without extracting source code, is it possible ?To run the app I need the .xcodeproj but as it is compressed, I can't access it. Is there a way to compress the app and specified that the .xcodeproj can be access ; like protractor for Android, is ther an equivalent for iOS ?Thanks
by ljahier.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Hello, i need to use metric kit to get system data but when I run the application on my iPhone, the application crash on xcode and I have on the output console this message: (lldb) and i have on my code:public func cellularDataUsage() -> Any { let MXNetworkInit = MXNetworkTransferMetric.init() let cellularDownload = MXNetworkInit.cumulativeCellularDownload return cellularDownload }this error: Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1c0eb7fa8) for the line number 04.People know why ?Thank you
by ljahier.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hello, i work on app which need to get a lot of metrics about app. I want to get the same data wich been analyze by "instruments" but i want to create an app which get this data automatically. I want a lot of data about battery. How can i get this data ?Thank you
by ljahier.
Last updated