
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
model: iphone xs maxfirmvware version: ios 12.1.1 beta1this issue is obvisly in dark enviroment, if you set auto-brightness on, the screen is flickering randomly.if you sliding the brightness bar down slowly, the flickering poiont is at about 20% of brightness bar. the flickering point shows that a bit white backgroud becomes suddently to a bit dark background. at that point the brightness moves not smooth like other brightness pointi founded the issue is related with night-shift, true-tone and screen record.night-shift on + true-tone on: flickeringnight-shift off + true-tone on: flickeringnight-shift on + true-tone off: flickeringnight-shift off + true-tone off: no flickeringif you open the screen record, there's no any issue.night-shift on + true-tone on + screen record on : no flickeringi hope the bug will be solved soon. this is really annoying
by likados.
Last updated