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What is the policy regarding macOS apps which only support Apple Silicon? I am looking at building something around the Virtualization framework but it appears to only support the features I want on Apple Silicon macOS devices. Can I still publish this on Mac App Store? Is there a workaround for this if not?
by leofrommi.
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I've tried both WatchKit and SwiftUI and neither offer a keypad in watchOS 8. I've tried the different types which suggest number pad in the documentation: The input controller displays a number pad for telephoneNumber, creditCardNumber, oneTimeCode, and postalCode content types. Is this purposeful or a bug?
by leofrommi.
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3 Replies
In the Sidebar, the badge doesn't show up for me. This is also the case with the end product: ForEach(store.gardens(in: store.currentYear)) { garden in     Label(, systemImage: "leaf") .badge(garden.numberOfPlantsNeedingWater) }
by leofrommi.
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I'm trying to submit an Independent Apple Watch app for Testflight external testing. I've able to do this pretty consistently until the latest build. Right after submitting the test information, I get the following error message from AppStoreConnect:Sorry, something went wrong.Some of the information required to submit your build for external testing is missing.It appears to be getting a 422 error from "":{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "3e2cd38c-9567-44c8-b243-20ca39c95cdc", "status" : "422", "code" : "ENTITY_UNPROCESSABLE.MISSING_REQUIRED_DATA", "title" : "Missing required information to submit for external testing", "detail" : "Missing requied data." } ]}I have no indication what is missing from the build, this time to indicate what I need to add.
by leofrommi.
Last updated