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I have this sample code: struct Item: Identifiable { var id = UUID() var name: String? } struct ItemTable: View { let items: [Item] var body: some View { Table(items) { TableColumn("Name", value: \.name) } } } I get the following error: Key path value type 'String?' cannot be converted to contextual type 'String' I can solve using \.name!, but I'd like to give a default value instead (something like \.name ?? "default"). How can I achieve this?
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I'm trying to make SignInWithAppleButton.Style black when colorScheme is light and white when colorScheme is dark, but .signInWithAppleButtonStyle modifier doesn't update the view when colorScheme change. struct LogInView: View { @Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme var body: some View { SignInWithAppleButton { _ in } onCompletion: { _ in } .signInWithAppleButtonStyle(colorScheme == .light ? .black : .white) .frame(height: 50) .padding() } } This can be seen in build and in preview: struct LogInView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Group { LogInView() LogInView() .preferredColorScheme(.dark) } } }
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I have a view that is updated asynchronously when it appears. It is updated via a publisher that gets some data and displays them I put this view inside a ForEach wrapped in a List (but is the same as in a ScrollView). The problem is as long as I scroll, the child views that appear are not updated until I release the finger from the screen. I found a solution (following this question - putting inside the ObservableObject this queue: private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "datafetching.queue", attributes: .concurrent) and adding .receive(on: queue) to the publisher. It seems to work but when I do this SwiftUI complies saying:  Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed; make sure to publish values from the main thread (via operators like receive(on:)) on model updates. As expected, some child views started updating wrongly.
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