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Is it ok for an Actor type to have a Publisher as a property to let others observe changes over time? Or use the @Published property wrapper to achieve this? actor MyActor { var publisher = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>() var data: Int { didSet { publisher.send(data) } } ... } // Usage var tasks = Set<AnyCancellable>() let actor = MyActor() Task { let publisher = await actor.publisher publisher.sink { print($0) }.store(in: &tasks) } This seems like this should be acceptable. I would expect a Publisher to be thread safe, and as long as the Output is a value type things should be fine. I have been getting random EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors when using this approach. But turning on the address sanitizer causes these crashes to go away. I know that isn't very specific but I wanted to start by seeing if this type of pattern is ok to do.
by kylelol.
Last updated