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Hi,I am loading pdf using PDFKit on iOS 13.4 and then I am trying to get text from the pdf using page.string method call.However when I get the text, I get text with missing spaces like this: "ACH or automatic withdrawal, or credit or debit card payments in which event payment will be madebybankcashier’scheckormoneyorder. Duetosecurityconcerns,LESSORcannotacceptcashforrentpayments. "Due to this we cannot find our keyword correctly nor we can show this kind of text to user.I checked the same pdf using Google Chrome and copy pasted the text to text file and I got the perfect text with spaces.Please guide us on how to get proper text from pdf using pdfkit.I have attached the original_pdf.pdf file that is original pdf that I am opening.original_pdf_text_ios is the text that i am getting in iOS pdfkit and original_pdf_text_chrome is the text I am getting by opening file in chrome and copy pasting it.Here is the link to donwload all the three files.,Kalpit
by kkalpit.
Last updated
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3 Replies
Hi,My app is getting background crash. I have provided crash report below. Could you please suggest any solution to this crash? It happens randomly. I am not able to reproduce this by myself.@crackr @alaskaCrash Report:
by kkalpit.
Last updated