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In the latest update apple has removed usage of _HLS_push which was used to reduce the RTT.I have few questions1. why _HLS_push was removed ?2. as every small part will keep on updated in the playlist , their are as many playlist updates as that of small parts in the playlist. that means as a client we need to check for manifest update every part duration , and make a request for the new part included in the playlist . so inorder to download a small part we need to request server two times one for updated manifest and other for part segment , will this not cause additional latency ?3.if PART-HOLD-BACK is required to be atleast part - target duration that means we will not play or request the last part url mentioned withEXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT,ex:PART-HOLD-BACK = 1s/*only last portion of file */fileSequence272.mp4#EXT-X-PART:DURATION=0.5,URI="filePart273.0.mp4",INDEPENDENT=YES#EXT-X-PART:DURATION=0.5,URI="filePart273.1.mp4"#EXT-X-PART:DURATION=0.5,URI="filePart273.2.mp4"#EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT:TYPE=PART,URI="filePart273.3.mp4"here since PART-HOLD-BACK is 1s so we start playback with filePart273.0.mp4(even normal playback should be started from I frame) so any way with in the time of downloading those parts with the manifest updates we will have the complete part of filePart273.3.mp4 in the manifest , so what is the need of indicating EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT?
by karthik.m.
Last updated
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hello all,i have few questions ? I have a live hls stream,master manifest as shown belowex :#EXTM3U#EXT-X-VERSION:3#EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=2200000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=2120800,CODECS="avc1.4d401f,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=1024x576,FRAME-RATE=25.000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=2120800,CODECS="avc1.4d401f,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=1024x576,FRAME-RATE=25.000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1460800,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=768x432,FRAME-RATE=25.000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1460800,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=768x432,FRAME-RATE=25.000 should we support playback of such stream ?1.whether the content in both type of url's having same bandwidth should be same along with sequence numbers for segments at one particular time?2. say if i maintain two playlist 1st playlist contains: 2nd playlist contains: have started playing live with 1st playlist and in between because of some reason index file download fails, then based on what parametersshould i switch to 2nd playlist and continue playback.and is it guarnteed that if one randition has redundance ,then all other randtions will have redundance in same order ? so that we can form playlist 1 with all 1st url's of different bandwidth , similar with 2nd urls other playlist.
by karthik.m.
Last updated