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To reproduce this bug: Create a simple Safari App Extension using the SFSafariWindow.getAllTabs method Open a few tabs in Safari and save them to a named tab group Quit Safari with Command + Q Open Safari and navigate to the saved named tab group (do not navigate to other tabs, those non-active tabs will be suspended until we navigate to them) Trigger the SFSafariWindow.getAllTabs method in our Safari App Extension Ideally we should get all tabs in the tab group of the window, but instead we only get the active tab Did I miss anything to make it work as expected?
by joyuer.
Last updated
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3 Replies
Hello, I am using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to share data between iOS and macOS app.I have set up the project according to the official tutorials. And when I made changes from the macOS app, the lastest data will automatically display on my iOS app. But in the other direction when I made changes on iOS, macOS app will not get the lastest version of the data.I have verified on Cloud Dashboard that the changes made on iOS have been uploaded onto CloudKit server. Just the macOS app and the cloudd process won't create tasks to pull these changes (observed from And if I quit the macOS app and restart it, lastest data will be pulled.So the problem is that macOS using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will not get synced data in the runtime.One potential reason is that the official tutorial has mentioned to set the background Remote Notification. I've done this for the iOS app. But for the macOS app, there are no background mode options so I skipped this step.Any ideas to get the synced data on macOS in time? Thanks very much!
by joyuer.
Last updated
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1 Replies
Hello, recently when I create a Safari extension, I found that SFSafariTab.activate() will not make its containing window active if we activate a tab inside a non-front window of Safari. And the Safari extension documentation did not mention any activate() API for SFSafariWindow. So is it possible activate a SFSafariWindow within an extension? Thanks a lot!
by joyuer.
Last updated