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SummaryWe a Go console application, that uses xhyve to start up a VM and do some processing and are trying to get networking to function without having xhyve setuid 0 by giving it the `` entitlement. Is this possible and the correct direction we should be looking? This would not be an App Store distributed file.DetailsWe have built xhyve with xcode, signed it, added entitlements, etc... It gets killed quickly. We're thinking this is the notorization process that's killing it now that it's signed and it's just dying out before getting anywhere. Creating a ZIP that contains the binary, uploading that ... and then trying to staple that successful build fails (hash missmatch) since we can's specify a specific a specify notoriztion history UUID (i.e. xcrun stapler staple -n [UUID] [file] ).What does work is building xhyve the standard `make` way. Setting the xhyve binary suid 0, so we execute with root priviledges. We do not want to add any root priviledge escalations in (or root daemon process) though, and from my understanding, the `` entitlement should allow this networking without needing root priviledges.For the notorization process... would we need to create a `.app` (is there a console way to do this??), sign every binary we have (even the Go binaries). Upload that `.app` to be notorized, and then staple?If `` is the wrong entitlement to be looking at, what would be a better one?We are developing a console application ... not a sandboxed application. It's something the user would run from a Terminal session out of /usr/local, etc... So, is it even feasible to do this with what we're developing?Thanks,-J
by jmstover.
Last updated