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Hi team Is there any word on when we will be able to sign up for plans that allow us to make more than 500,000 API calls a month? All I can see is this under the pricing on the Get Started page: "Additional details on how to sign up for a subscription will be available this summer". I'm doing some napkin math for my new app and users and the limit starts looking small pretty fast! Thanks!
by jknlsn.
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3 Replies
Is it possible to get an album from a song in MusicKit? I haven't been able to find a way to do so currently. I have tried using .with() but it appears that album is not supported. What I am looking for is properties on the Song like what is present on MPMediaItem such as albumTitle, genre, etc.
by jknlsn.
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Is there an API or method to do the above? I am building a music app and can find the addItem API here, but no removal API. This is a pain for users as they will be able to add items, but then be unable to remove them unless they go to the Apple Music app. This also appears to be the case for playlists.
by jknlsn.
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I've been using sheets in my app EvoHIIT in a number of places to do things like create or share a circuit. The way I have been doing this so far is broken in iOS 14, but works in iOS 13. I use a single sheet view but conditionally show content based on a State variable, updated when a user taps a button to create or share a circuit. In iOS 14 I am able to replicate this by using multiple sheets instead which is usable, and using different @State variables for hiding or showing them, but I am unsure if this is by design or unintentionally broken. Example in this repository:
by jknlsn.
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I can't seem to figure out how to get a one-to-many relationship working with a NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Has anyone been able to do this successfully? I see the relationship that is one-to-one on the other end, but not the relationship which is supposed to be many to many.I've been trying to use the information here am unsure if this is a limitation of CloudKit and CoreData, if the data is there and just not showing in the dashboard or any other option.I've put my code here on Github and would love any help or thoughts. I would also be very keen to hear of any better ways to be debugging and visualising this data I am trying to write apart from the CloudKit dashboard, I don't know yet how to retrieve and display the data with SwiftUI.
by jknlsn.
Last updated