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Hi,I'm using Xcode 9.2 and iOS 11.2 Simulator.I would like to see my application's logs (NSLog call) while the app is tested with XCTest UI tests.I can launch the test with:xcodebuild -project MyProject.xcodeproj -scheme MyScheme -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s,OS=11.2" testThe output of this command is the ouput of the UI test, but I don't see the application NSLog logs.Test Case '-[TestsUIOrangeEtMoi.OEMHomeTest testTapOnFactureTile]' started. t = 0.00s Start Test at 2017-12-07 11:26:05.743 t = 0.04s Set Up t = 0.15s Open t = 0.18s Launch t = 4.30s Wait for to idle t = 6.49s Tap "Adresse mail ou numéro de mobile" TextField t = 6.49s Wait for to idleIn the Simulator, I can go to 'Debug > Open System Log...", and it will open a log file ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/DA22333D-A6BF-41EC-8BA4-F21C0EE6E177/system.log where DA22333D-A6BF-41EC-8BA4-F21C0EE6E177 is a hash of the simulator id. If I tail -f this file, I don't see any application logs, just "core" logs.Any idea how to access the application logs in this case ?Regards, Jc
by jicea78.
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