
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have a view controller which displays an NSTableView showing a list of names. I create two instances of this view controller in subviews in two different windows. In one window the view controller works fine, in the second it does not! In the second, the initial load of data works, but when the scroller is moved, the delegate is not called and no new data is displayed (blanks instead). Also, no clicks in the table are recognized in the VC! Below are screen caps of the two windows side by side. The first shows initial loading which is correct. In the second window I have clicked once in the scroll bar. Identical code!
by jelemans.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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My app can insert images as assets to the cloud. When we download them from the dashboard, they are correct.The app can also retrieve the records and assets. When the retreival is complete the asset.fileURL shows that the asset is downloaded to~/Library/Caches/CloudKit/ when we try to load the data in code with; let asset = record["image"] as? CKAsset guard let imageData = NSData(contentsOf: asset!.fileURL) else { print("Invalid Image! \(record["imageName"]).") sharedLogger.logText(someText: "bad image from download \(record["imageName"]).\n", type : .error) continue }The NSData() call fails every time. If we access the fileURL with a file call, we get error 513 (access denied). If i go intothe Finder and open the file in the asset cache, the image is correct and opens normally.The file permissions show "read and write" for the user and "none" for everyone else. The "Caches" folder has the same permissions.I built a second app with the same cloudkit classes and they work fine in the new app. The problem lies somewhere else. 😟
by jelemans.
Last updated