
Post not yet marked as solved
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When trying to build and run a target, or executing unit tests, an alert appears with the title, "Failed to install the requested application" and the description, "The application's CFBundleVersion is invalid." This started shortly after installing the first beta of Xcode 11 on a machine that already had an installation of Xcode 10.2.1.The Xcode 11 beta 1 release notes state, "Bundles without a CFBundleVersion are invalid and can’t be properly installed on devices or simulators. CoreSimulator now checks and rejects such bundles earlier in the process with a clearer error message. (49892531)"The targets in question do have CFBundleVersions. However, using agvtool to set a new bundle version seems to resolve the issue (at least temporarily):agvtool new-version -all 2Has anybody else run into this?
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