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We are trying to use xcodebuild to build our frameworks, instead of using manual Xcode IDE running buttons. The issue is that in our framework we use ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS, which have several values. Those values are then used to check at runtime if the particular framework is integrated, like checking for Sentry: #if SENTRY_AVAILABLE import Sentry #endif The problem is that, for some builds, we need to override our project settings, specifically ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS. However, after the following script successfully executes, the Xcode still does not override our provided ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS with defined in the project. The script: xcodebuild -workspace project.xcworkspace -scheme SDKNR1 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO EXCLUDED_ARCHS=arm64 ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS=SENTRY_AVAILABLE -configuration release -derivedDataPath $PROJECT_DIR/../simulators/SDKNR1 -sdk iphonesimulator ENABLE_BITCODE=YES BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" clean build As you can see we define ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS=SENTRY_AVAILABLE, however it will not override target's (SDKNR1) project settings. Suppose, SDKNR1 does not have any ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS. We expected that xcodebuild command would override target's ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS and would include SENTRY_AVAILABLE Would welcome any ideas, or perhaps it is not possible?
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