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I'm trying to use Sign in With Apple as an option for firebase authentication. When I follow the steps to set it up, I get to the part where I have to verify the domain and email for communication. I got the email part setup, but I can't find a way to verify the domain. Here is the domain firebase gave me "project-name" I downloaded the txt file, but from there I can't figure out how to verify it. I went to the link Apple gave but nothing was there. Where and how do I verify the domain?
by iEvan_C.
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I'm using media player to pay Apple Music songs. I use this code to try and update the queue: musicPlayer.perform(queueTransaction: { playerQueue in 		for item in playerQueue.items { 				if item != musicPlayer.nowPlayingItem { 						playerQueue.remove(item) 			 }   } 	 	 let descriptor = MPMusicPlayerStoreQueueDescriptor(storeIDs: songIDs) 		playerQueue.insert(descriptor, after: nil) }, completionHandler: { (updatedQueue, error) in     print("queue updated") }) The queue before and after are the same (I know because I printed them out), and I know that the songIDs are different from what's in queue. I read that this wasn't working in iOS 12, but it should be fixed by now right? Am I doing something wrong? I also tried using: musicPlauer.queue([queue]) Though whenever I changed that, there was a break in the music play, and wouldn't work well.
by iEvan_C.
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When using @main in WidgetKit in Xcode beta 4 I get this error: 'main()' is only available in application extensions for 14.0 or newer I do have @available(iOSApplicationExtension 14.0, *) above the @main. Maybe this is a bug? Because it was working in beta 3.
by iEvan_C.
Last updated