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As I see, from time to time Apple changes some of their policy, like for background pushes. E.g.: Now we always need to show the user an alert for every background push, meaning none of them can be silent. The silent ones don't even arrive after a while. (Apple's reasons are clear and I see them as valid.) Is there a way in which I as a developer can get notified about such policy changes in advance? Some news letter or something alike. Even a "watch out something is going to change next Monday with push on iOS version x.y and on never iOS versions" would be useful so I can test things intensively, so not the users have to suffer the consequences for a while, till I even notice the problem and then implement a solution. Thanks!
by horcod.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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From iOS 13 on, when receiving a VoIP push notification, my app needs to call reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID immediately, even before my VoIP server can be queried about the incoming call. The user can accept the new call before my app made sure it even exists. Now my app can not properly exit performAnswerCallAction without informing the CXAnswerCallAction object about the result.According to "Instead, wait until you establish a connection and then fulfill the object. While it waits for your app to fulfill the request, the incoming call interface lets the user know that the call is connecting, but not yet ready."I am supposed to "wait" before "fulfill"-ing (or "fail"-ing, I assume). But according to "You should only call this method from the implementation of a CXProviderDelegatemethod."I shouldn't call fulfill from my background worker thread that interacts with the VoIP backend.Now it's not clear to me, whether it actually is okay to block the thread in performAnswerCallAction until I get a result from the server, an error or a timeout occurs.I also wonder what happens if the user triggers a performEndCallAction.
by horcod.
Last updated