
Post not yet marked as solved
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Landscape apps made with Xcode 8.3 are letterboxed on the iPhone X, and the home bar is partially disabled, meaning that the user must swipe up to "wake it" then swipe up again to exit the app. It's this second functionality that I want to implement while taking full advantage of the screen size, so how do I replicate that feature?If I set the view controller's prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden() to return true, the home bar temporarily disappears, but every time I touch the screen it comes back (a bit jarring), and it still only takes a single swipe to exit the app. I have not been able to find any other options to do what I want, but clearly it should be possible since it automatically happens for older apps.Suggestions?
by hawkwood.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
0 Replies
Does the announcement that Apple Music is adding Spatial Audio to all headphones with the W1 chip mean that CMHeadphoneMotionManager will work for the same (e.g. lots of Beats and AirPods), or is there additional hardware that the AP Pro/Max have that will keep this feature to them only?
by hawkwood.
Last updated