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I have a `UITableViewController` that can display content from any of three different arrays. In Objective-C, what I would typically do is set a property on the `TableVC` that is a reference to the array to be displayed. Then the `TableVC` would not only be able to show the contents of that array, but also handle user-directed editing of the array, say, if they deleted or re-ordered elements.The way it seems to work in Swift when I set a property on my `TableVC` to an array is that it is a _copy_ of my model's array, not a reference. And while this is fine in certain contexts, in my application it seems bad for two reasons: 1) my arrays are enormous, thousands of elements, and copying huge arrays over and over again seems wasteful; 2) small edits are tougher to handle: I have to communicate back to the model about element deletion or re-ordering and make sure my view and model arrays stay in sync.Setting a property that's a reference to an array is what I _want_ to do, but there's no such thing as an `inout` object property in Swift.What is the correct way for me to handle this?Thanks.
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