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What the server-to-server responseBody looks like and how should i know if a user cancelled subscription or refunded? I have seen this doc:, but still confused.I have not seen a field like cacellation_date. Should i parse the latest_receipt_info, and then if user cacel subscription, there will be cacellation_data and cacallataion_intent?
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I am confused how to properly deal with the non-renewing subscription validation backend. My validation flow roughly like this: First, when user choose IAP item and click the Buy button, it will send a POST request to our backend for generating a order which will contain info like product_id. And then return the order_id to the ios. Secondly, the ios end call our receipt verify API which should be passed through some args including receipt_data, order_id, product_id, transaction_id. Thirdly, when above args passed, we query db with transaction_id for avoid delivering dulplicate goods with same receipt. Then, sending a POST request to the App Store endpoint /verifyReceipt. We parse the resp considering different style of receipt, get the status field first to judge if its value equels to 0, then travesing the in_app field to find if there is one which transaction_id matches the one passed from ios. Then, we compare the product_id with the matched one. Is there something else that i should pay attention to or there are some logic bugs?
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What should I pay attention to APP reviewing with auto-renewable subscription IAP in it? I am heard about that if an APP with auto-renewable subscription IAP in it, then the app should allow users who are not logged in to buy IAP. If not, the app review will be rejected, is that true?
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