
Post marked as solved
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Hi there,I’m developing an app that has a strong interactions with network requests and that is structured in layers. All the communication is written in C.The app is live since months but only last week, with the launch of iOS 13.4, user stated complaining about phone reboots.Apparently it happens mainly (or only) on iPhone XS and iPhone XR and all scenarios (there is no common pattern) seem to be related to the network requests.I was finally able to gather some of the panic reports and all of them seems to report the same reason and the panic string always contains this: "panicString" : "panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff029b4ce60): \"Too many alloc retries: 502, table:0xfffffff02b34b410, type:3, nelem:1\"\nDebugger message: panicDo you have any hint? Is there anything that could cause such system panics?
by giujello.
Last updated