
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Hi, does anyone know how to save a ModelEntity's gesture values after it has been transformed? As in, if I have a ball and I enlarge it, is there a way to grab the value that it was scaled by so that it can be used again later. I want to be able to load the AR app again and see the AR Object at a specific scale/rotation without using ARWorldMap if possible.I'm currently using installGestures to add gestures to my entity but I don't see an easy way to grab scaled values.Also, in addition, is there a way to have some sort of observer for event gesture changes on an AR Entity? I know that there exists an EntityScaleGestureRecognizer but I'm not sure how to use it.Thanks in advance.
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Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi, I'm working with a team on using RealityKit/ARKit 3 and SwiftUI to create our first AR App. I was wondering whether there was an updated version of this as it looks very helpful but uses scenekit. Is the recommended approach to use both RealityKit and SceneKit together to get this to work or can someone provide some insight on how to convert the snippet from scenekit to realitykit. This is all very new to me!
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