
Post marked as solved
18 Replies
Hi,I created an independent watchOS application (without an iOS counterpart) So I have three targets created by Xcode:- MyApp (which has no linked folder)- MyApp WatchKit App- MyApp WatchKit ExtensionNo my app requires the use of HealthKit, so I added the `NSHealthShareUsageDescription ` to the Info.plist belonging to the Extension target. But when I try to uploade the application to App Store Connect (through Xcode), I get the following error message:"Invalid Info.plist key. The key 'NSHealthShareUsageDescription' in bundle WatchKit is invalid."I tried adding the key to the Info.plist of the App target, but this gave errors after the upload completed...Anyone tried this before? Maybe this issue is resolved with the new Transporter app, but when this will arrive is a mistery...
by fousa.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hi,I currently have a subclass of UIDocumentBrowserViewController as the root controller of my application with multiple window support enabled on ipadOS. Everything seems to work fine when I manually create a new window.But when I drag a supported document from the browser to the side nothing happens. I have a UIDocument subclass, should this subclass contain some specific information in order to support opening a new window when dragging to the side?Any ideas?FYI State restoration works perfectly with the create NSUserActivity.
by fousa.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
15 Replies
Hi,I'm try to get HealthKit authorization in my independent watchOS 6 application. But for some reason executing the following code doesn't do anything. The given closure isn't self.shareTypes, read: self.readTypes) { [weak self] _, error in }I added the two required entries to my Info.plist of the watchOS target, and the extension has the correct HealthKit entitlements. Is this feature not yet implemented in the current beta's?Would love to start playing with this.
by fousa.
Last updated