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I am working an a project where I need to implement local receipt validation for auto-renewable subscription.The local receipt validation already works for non-consumable purchases.When I sent the receipt to the App Store for testing, to see how the receipt looks like, I gotthe following JSON response back:This is a short version of the JSON response.["status": 0, "receipt": { "in_app" = ( { "is_trial_period" = false; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-11-22 18:25:10 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "NonConsumable"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-11 23:48:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription“; … } ); … }, "pending_renewal_info": <__NSArrayM 0x283d7f3f0>( { "auto_renew_product_id" = "com.MonthlySubscription"; "auto_renew_status" = 0; "expiration_intent" = 1; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … } ), "environment": Sandbox, "latest_receipt_info": <__NSArrayM 0x283d7f2d0>( { "is_trial_period" = false; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-11-22 18:25:10 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "NonConsumable"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-11 23:48:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-11 23:53:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "com.MonthlySubscription"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-11 23:58:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-12 00:03:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-12 00:08:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … }, { "expires_date" = "2019-12-12 00:13:35 Etc/GMT"; "original_purchase_date" = "2019-12-11 23:43:37 Etc/GMT"; "product_id" = "MonthlySubscription"; … } ) , "latest_receipt": MIIePwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIeMDCCHiwCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMII…]The JSON field "in_app" has only 2 receipts. One non-consumable and the first purchase of the auto-renewable subscription.The complete list of the receipts are in the JSON field "latest_receipt_info“.When I use local receipt validation and I look at ASN.1 Field Type 17 I only get the receipts that match the JSON field "in_app“.Which means, looking at ASN.1 Field Type 17, I only get the non-consumable and the first purchase of the auto-renewable receipt.All other subsequent receipts are missing.How do I get to the other receipts so that I can find out when an auto-renewable subscription has expired?Is there another Field Type not mentioned in the documentation or does it mean I can't use local receipt validation for auto-renewable subscription?
by fb23.
Last updated