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I have written a Siri Intents extension with a corresponding IntentsUI extension. But only the custom intent response is sayed by siri, the IntentsUI is not displayed. All targets .plist have my CustomIntent in the NSExtensionAttributesIntentsSupported array. The IntentUI is displayed when i open the lockscreen siri suggestion notification, but not when i ask to siri. I tried to add os.log in IntentViewControllerconfigureView() function but nothing displayed in the console when i ask to siri. Siri : Siri Suggestion: func configureView(for parameters: Set<INParameter>, of interaction: INInteraction, interactiveBehavior: INUIInteractiveBehavior, context: INUIHostedViewContext, completion: @escaping (Bool, Set<INParameter>, CGSize) -> Void) { guard interaction.intent is GreenGroceryIntent else { completion(false, Set(), .zero) return } let width = self.extensionContext?.hostedViewMaximumAllowedSize.width ?? 320 let desiredSize = CGSize(width: width, height: 300) completion(true, parameters, desiredSize) } What are the steps to make the custom UI to show, what can I check to make sure I have done this correctly ?Thanks.
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