
Post not yet marked as solved
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I've been successful in creating three Mac OS apps with Catalyst and using the same names of those apps on the iOS app strore. On the fourth try when naming the app I get the message:The app name you entered is already being used for another app in your account. If you would like to use the name for this app you will need to submit an update to your other app to change the name, or remove it from App Store Connect.So why was I allowed to use the same name in the first three, but not now?? The bundle ID's are showing up correctly in the New App configuration menu.Thanks!
by eddieh48.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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This issue has been going on for sometime over a year, through Mojave, and now Catalina.When opening an Xcode project either by double clicking or command-O, sometimes, but not always the project will open twice on the screen, one on top of the other. Usually when trying to pull the top copy away, Xcode will crash. I have tried emptying the DerivedData folder but this doesn't help.
by eddieh48.
Last updated