
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi, I am ready to submit my first app to the app store, but I had some questions about the privacy policy before I do so.App Store Connect says all apps need a privacy policy, and I wanted to know the best way to go about making one as I have no legal experience and I am an individual developer. I integrated Google AdMob and Firebase while making my app, which to me is the only concern that needs to be addressed in the pivacy policy, but after some research, it seems that most privacy policies exist to inform users of what information might be collected and distributed while using the app. While I have Admob and Firebase for ad purposes, unless those services automatically collect data, I do not believe my app does anything with anyone's data/personal information in any matter (I did not program anything that specifically gathers user data). Either way, what is the best way to create a privacy policy for my app and what should I make sure it specifically entails? Thanks in advance.
by dshiffman.
Last updated