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We have an Enterprise app that needs to use Location Services. If they haven't enable it when prompted, we instruct the user to enable them in the Settings app and have a button that takes them to the settings app. THe app isn't showing up in Settings. It doesn't have a Settings.bundle because there aren't any other settings needed.I'm not sure if this happened under older verions of iOS or not.Has anybody seen this happen or have any ideas?
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My company has an app that's been around for years. Now, under iOS 13, some buttons on a particular View are not receiving touch events.If I use a Symbolic Breakpoint for [UIWindow sendEvent] and then do a debugger command of po $arg3, it shows that a UIImageView a couple of views behind the buttons is receiving the touch event. There is no gesture recognizer on the UIImageView. There is a TapGestureRecognizer on the base view in a different view controller. That gesture recognizer has cancelsTouchesInView = NO.Has anyone ran into this?
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I am trying to debug an Enterprise App on an iPad. I've tried it on three different iPads. I get the following error...Xcode 11.2.1MacOS 10.14.6Could not launch "XXXXXXX"Don’s iPad has denied the launch request.Internal launch error: process launch failed: failed to get the task for process XXXXI've seen people with the same . problem under Xcode 10 several months ago.
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