
Post not yet marked as solved
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{ "type": "interactive", "id": "f57d6be1-5329-43a4-b4e8-92babdda59o2", "v": 1, "sourceId": "urn:mbid:AQAAY4s8T/DWO0nUZxiqixyTXe3Q TRUNCATED", "destinationId": "6f7f7f2d-d4a6-46d5-TRUNCATED", "interactiveData": { "bid": "", "data": { "version": "1.0", "requestIdentifier": "7d8004b6-8827-4f32-b3f0-3a5fb36b203a", "authenticate": { "oauth2": { "responseType": "code", "scope": [ "email", "profile" ], "state": "xyz", "clientIdentifier": "abc", "responseEncryptionKey": "MFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CJByFOYSigUnZ6nj", "clientSecret": "client_secret" } }, "images": [ ] }, "receivedMessage": { "title": "Sign In to Business Chat Sandbox" }, "replyMessage": { "title": "Authentication Failed" } } }This is the sample payload I'm sending to the POST authenticate endpoint and I keep on getting 400 Bad Request. The payload seems correct as per the documentation. I'm also listing down the headers I'm using below: Content-Type application/json Destination-Id 6f7f7f2d-d4a6-46d5-TRUNCATED Source-Id": urn:mbid:AQAAY4s8T/DWO0nUZxiqixyTXe3Q-TRUNCATED id f57d6be1-5329-43a4-b4e8-92babdda59o2 version 1.0 Authorization Bearer eyazm...The responseEncryptionKey is secp381r public key
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