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I am using NetworkExtension and creating/managing a Personal VPN configuration that uses IKEv2 built-in VPN protocol. When I connect the VPN from my app it give me connectedDate from that i am getting time stamp to show the timer like 00:00:00 which will start when the VPN is connected After connecting VPN I put the app in the background, Then I open the settings app and I disconnect and connect the VPN again from the General->VPN. After that when I open the app again the connectedDate I am getting is still the same(first time VPN connected). My VPN profile is configured successfully and I am calling loadTheVPNPreferencesOnly() in applicationDidBecomeActivefunc loadTheVPNPreferencesOnly() { NEVPNManager.shared().loadFromPreferences { (error) in if error != nil { print(error.debugDescription) } else { print("No error from loading VPN viewDidLoad") } } print("adding NEVPNStatusDidChange Observer.... ") //OBSERVER TO CHECK THE VPN CONNECTION STATUS.... self.addConnectionObserver() }I also tried like this, But the connectedDate is still previous one:let VPNConnecteddate = NEVPNManager.shared().connection.connectedDate//print(VPNConnecteddate as? Date) // 2020-01-30 14:46:56 +0000let VPNTimeStamp = VPNConnecteddate?.timeIntervalSince1970if VPNTimeStamp != nil { CommonMethod.saveUserDefault(key: "vpnTimeStamp", value: VPNTimeStamp) print("VPNTimeStamp===> \(VPNTimeStamp)")}I will really appreciate if someone helps me on this point. I have searched a lot for checking this online.Links you can take as reference:
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