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Trying to use VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest.. it seems to work but the output mask isn't at the same resolution as the source image.. so comping the result with the source produces a bad result. Not the full code, but hopefully enough to see what I'm doing. var imageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height) let imageRef = image.cgImage(forProposedRect: &imageRect, context: nil, hints: nil)! let request = VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest() let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: imageRef) do { try handler.perform([request]) guard let result = request.results?.first else { return } //Is this the right way to do this? let output = result.pixelBuffer //This ciImage alpha mask is a different resolution than the source image //So I don't know how to combine this with the source to cut out the foreground as they don't line up.. the res it's even the right aspect ratio. let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: output) ..... }
by dank.
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Looking at available fonts in XCode14 I'm not seeing any that match what's available on the new LockScreen customization on iOS16. I have a wallpaper app where I simulate what it might look like with a lock overlay. I'd love to support the same fonts that are available in the real lock screen. I hope these fonts will be available to developers :) Daniel
by dank.
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13 Replies
I'm following the steps to impliment "Sign in with Apple" and I'm stuck tyring to verify my domain on this page:'ve downloaded the apple-developer-domain-association.txt text file and placed it on my server at the path:'ve tested loading that file from a web browser.. it works fine. But the "Verify" button rejects with "Verification failed for domain". I get no further debug info. Has anyone else run into this or verified sucessfully? I've noticed each time I download the apple-developer-domain-association.txt file it's different and I've made sure my server is in sync with the last time I grab the file.. done this multiple times.. no luck.ThanksDaniel
by dank.
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8 Replies
I've got two apps, Upwords and UpwordsFree. I created them in a pre-InApp world. Upwords is paid up front and UpwordsFree is Ad supported. About a year ago I added an in-app option to remove ads in the free version.. essentally upgrading it to the full version. So I've got 2 sets of users and I'd love to migrate everyone over to just the Free version. I don't see a good mechanism to do this. I'd love to get the users who paid up front to move over to my Free version and grant them the In-App Ad Free option. Any advice on how to do this? Things I've thought about-Present an alert message in the Full version alerting users to move over. Provide some sort of custom UUID token they can enter into the free version to remove ads.. sort of my own coupon code. This competley bypasses the store and things like restore purchases won't work for those users. I fear this will be a support nightmare trying to identify these paid users and waling them though removing ads if they re-install the app.. etc. -Maybe there's a way to save a token in icloud? Both my apps share an icloud storage area.. but if you delete both apps I think that is wiped as well.-Keychain token? my understanding is the keychain data remains even if you delete an app. Can I have a shared area where I can dump a token which the free version can read in the keychain? something that persists even when the apps are deleted. Any other thoughts? Someone's got to have done this sucessfully. Would be great if apple could provide a way where in one of my apps I could query if a user had bought another one of my apps. Knowing that woudl solve the issueThanksDaniel
by dank.
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