
Post marked as solved
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Hoping someone can educate me why this is desired behaviour.For contest I have an iPhone only tabbed app, and each tab has a navigation controller, when the user navigates past the initial view controller on the navigation stack I am hiding the tab bar using -hidesBottomBarWhenPushed.Now I am adapting my app to be universal and I have dropped iOS 7 so I am attempting to use Size Classes and want to use UIKit with it's adaptivity features. Instead of a tab with nav controllers, I now have a tab with split view controllers, the nav controllers are now the master of these split view controllers. When on iPhone I push through to my detail view controller, the tab bar continues to be shown.It seems obvious what is happening, when you use -hidesBottomBarWhenPushed on a view controller, it means that when THAT view controller is pushed onto a navigation stack, AND if that navigation stack has a bottom bar (presumably this is either a tab bar or toolbar), then hide that bar along with the push/pop animation. But now I've got a middle man between the tab bar controller and the navigation controller, the split view controller.So either I should conclude that I should stick a split view controller inside a tab bar controller, or... this is an edge case defect in UIKit, or maybe there's another API I could be using to achieve hiding the tab bar. If anyone from Apple reads this then please see rdar://22436600 for details, although this post is as detailed as the bug report...
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