
Post not yet marked as solved
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I'm using IAP with some auto-renewable subscriptions for my app. I had no problem with loading, displaying and purchasing products in development or by using TestFlight to install the app. But when it came to App Review, the app has been rejected because there is no product is displayed properly. So I guess the SKProductsRequest didn't return any valid products. Does anyone experience this issue? I've tried many times but my app still works as expected. Still could not imagine how it can happen.
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Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
I'm using AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask to download HLS streams. It works fine on iOS12.But when using Xcode 11 to build and run on iOS 13, the download task fails right after starting. I got an error with code = -1 (NSURLErrorUnknown) returned from the delegate. Trying to debug the underlying process by using the Console app, I got a weird error as bellow:Task <>.<2> for client <private> does not have write access to destination directory (null)I'm not sure if it can affect the download task but this error didn't appear when I run on iOS 12 (successful download), but it so straight. I believe there was something to go wrong.Does anyone know this issue?
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