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Definitely want to install it. Wondering if there is a good guide to doing a dual boot. I have 100GBs of free space on my machine so should not be a problem. Mainly want to dual boot because I still have to create store releases.
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This app has had CloudKit for a long time, have done at least 30 releases with it. Started new Xcode today (11.5) and first the upload failed with a complaint about provisioning, then when I went to capabilities, I turned CloudKit off and on and when I turned it on again, it lists 3 containers but not the one the app has been using.
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Went to open Xcode today. CPU went to 300% and the list of projects did not appear. Left, came back it was there, picked a project, hung again, CPU at 300 again. After a good half hour it says 'this project was downloaded from the internet do you want to open it?' and it showed a URL pointing to my icloud drive?Weird cause I was using Xcode fine for some time.Force quitting Xcode did not stop the icloud craziness. Guess I will boot and see if that helps. Nope. It's transferring a ton of files. I guess it just decided it was time, there's not much new. Total craziness, just bricks the machine, makes it pretty much unusable.
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Just saw the note on the release notes on the phone version. Whoops. But now the phone version will not install. Does anyone know how to remedy this? I assume I cannot just unpair and reinstall then pair again?
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Got my ActionSheet to come up and go away after I select an item, but cannot figure out how to navigate to a new view from the trigger closure. Tried making the button itself in the AS be a NavigationButton but does not seem to like that. Only tutorial I found was TwoStraws and that did not show any action being invoked.
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Then opened it in Sketch. I was able to take an SVG and paste it into one of the spots in the grid, but am missing how I am supposed to make thicker versions. So do I have to basically figure out how to thin out the lines? in svg? I might as well just write the code to animate this? Seems ridiculous. I thought the template would have one symbol that you put some path info into and then it replaces the grid of symbols. Totally don't understand how the team found the time to produce a WWDC session but not a simple guide to doing this, I don't know, with an example.. ?
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I have an icon. I made a white version so I could support dark mode. But when I put the preview (SwiftUI) to dark mode, I get what is in Any, not what is in Light or Dark. So I have a white outlined version in Dark and a black one in Light and then I cannot leave Any empty. Whatever I put in there is what I will get. I am thinking maybe I have to do something in the app (I do with Material on Android), but that does not seem to be the case as the demos did not show any code changes. Maybe it's a bug?
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Found the WWDC session about the new stuff in Extensions, looks great, and the session was good.Generated one, and my toolbar button is showing up but clicking it does nothing. Nothing appears in the console. Then I added some code to make it show a popover and that also does not get called.The following: override func toolbarItemClicked(in window: SFSafariWindow) { // This method will be called when your toolbar item is clicked. NSLog("The extension's toolbar item was clicked") window.getToolbarItem { toolbarItem in toolbarItem?.showPopover() } }The function was already there, I added the iteration over the toolbarItems and the call to showPopover() (per the session).And then the method, in the handler looks thus: override func popoverWillShow(in window: SFSafariWindow) { window.getAllTabs { tabs in let tabCount = tabs.count NSLog("found \(tabCount) tabs") } }And this never gets called. Nothing shows up in the console and the breakpoint is never called.
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