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3 Replies
I have a simple HStack that has 3 of the same views below in it like columns). They all have a draggable text field. Weird thing is when I drag one, the adjacent DayView.Text fields also drag. As if they all share the same drag gesture. Is there a way to prevent that?struct DayView: View { @GestureState var dragState = DragState.inactive @State var viewDragState = CGSize(width: 0, height: 120) var translationOffset: CGSize { return CGSize(width: 0, height: viewDragState.height + dragState.translation.height) } enum DragState { case inactive case dragging(translation: CGSize) var translation: CGSize { switch self { case .dragging(let translation): return translation default: return .zero } } } var body: some View { let dragGesture = DragGesture() .updating($dragState) { value, state, transaction in state = .dragging(translation: value.translation) } .onEnded { value in self.viewDragState.height += value.translation.height self.viewDragState.width += value.translation.width } return GeometryReader { geometry in ZStack(alignment: .top) { VStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(0..<24) {_ in Text("").frame( height: 60) Divider() } } Text("Meet with Test 2-4").frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: 120, alignment: .topLeading).background( .offset(self.translationOffset) .gesture(dragGesture) } } }}
by chris.ech.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Hi folks,We are trying to create a service ID to integrate Apple Login.Part of the process requires creating service id,uploading a verification file to our websitepressing verify button to verify it.So we do that and verification of website fails with generic message of "Verification failed for domain". our file is up there. are stuck, no idea what to do. I called support, but they can't help since they are more administrative.
by chris.ech.
Last updated