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I have a test like below. If using Swift: import CarPlay can works. If using Objective C: #import <CarPlay.h> will not work. (I have include the framework from project) So does it means that from Objective C, we can not using CarPlay framework and its API such as: CarPlaySceneDelegate, CPListItem, etc. Thanks very much.
by chaol.
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Before ios14, when use startCallAction, lock iphone, it will shows callkit outgoing system UI. But in ios14, this UI never shows. Only when connected to carplay, I can see this UI again. So I'd like to know is this a bug or its new design ? This behavior affect my app, needs your help, Thanks. Demo code:   CXStartCallAction *action = [[CXStartCallAction alloc] initWithCallUUID:uuid handle:handle];       CXTransaction *transaction = [CXTransaction new];   [transaction addAction:action];       [controller requestTransaction:transaction completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error)
by chaol.
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I using following method can receive notify from system when connected to ford carplay:1. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.EAAccessoryDidConnect2. Add info.plist key Supported external accessory protocols com.smartdevicelink.prot29But I can not receive notification when using chevrolet carplay and dont know chevrolet info.plist should add what key?Any help would be appreicate!
by chaol.
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I'm doing my app that need to know if iphone connected to carplay, and do somthing before that.I've seached everywhere and found some method, but seems every method got problem.method1.if your app is music type and using key ""you can get notify when connect/disconnect from "MPPlayableContentDelegate -&gt;playableContentManager -&gt;context.endpointAvailable"But my concern: A. my app is voip type using key "", if I using MPPlayableContentDelegate, seems not properly. B. does MPPlayableContentDelegate on used in carplay? Does any other device connected to iphone will receive this notify?method2.check the "AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().currentRoute.outputs.first" when receive method1 notify.But only can get right value when audio file is playing. if no audio playing, it always get the iphone self instead of carplay.method3.using "EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories", it needs manually set the info.plist supported protocal in if I cant set the right protocal for every car type, I cant get the accessories.Anyone can help on this issue, thanks.
by chaol.
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My app need using siri to start. And I need to know the siri command is from iphone or from carplay side, is it possible. if yes, how can I know that?Thanks!
by chaol.
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