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HiI am using SecKeyCreateSignature to sign the data. It works for most users but for some iOS 13 users we are getting following fatal exception:Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Unexpected sessionID mismatchHere's the stack trace. The crash was happened inside "SecKeyCreateSignature".CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess ... ... Security SecKeyCreateSignature MyApp MyHelper.m - [MyHelper signature:withKey:err:] ...I've copy the code snippet below:-(NSData*)signature:(NSData*)plainData withKey:(SecKeyRef)privateKey err:(UAF_ErrorCode*)errorCodeBack { NSError *error; NSData *signature = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateSignature(privateKey, kSecKeyAlgorithmECDSASignatureMessageX962SHA256, (CFDataRef)plainData, (void *)&error)); if (error) { //some error handling code... return nil; } return signature; }Based on our crash log, it seems this exception happened only on some (not all) iOS 13 users (13.3.0 - 13.3.4).I can't find any information about this error "NSInternalInconsistencyException: Unexpected sessionID mismatch".Are there any problems with my code or this is a known issue on iOS 13?I would appreciate it if someone can provide any insight on the issue.Thanks
by ccyanni.
Last updated