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In my app a user can share a result file (.pdf) or log files (.txt). After updating to iOS 16, one user called to say it did not work with "Save to Files". I confirmed this on iPhone with 16.0.3 and also on iPad with 16.2 (beta). I also checked and found this working as expected on iPad with 15.6.1, and also on iPhone with 12.5.6. When I call uiactivityviewcontroller I have two items: a URL(fileURLWithPath: path), and a String. If the user selects Mail, this String became the "message body". But, in iOS16, the call fails -- the file is not written, and the ActivityViewController stays up. In iOS15, the file is written, along with a file called "text" that has the "message body" text. let msgBody = "Text to go into message body if an email" let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath) let ac = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [fileURL, msgBody], applicationActivities: nil) if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { ac.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = UIView() present(ac, animated: true, completion: nil) } else { present( ac, animated: true) } Why has this changed from iOS/iPadOS 15 to 16?
by bobwki.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
We add new users to our list of testers, and some of them are still using iOS/iPadOS 12.5.1, probably because they have older hardware (as do I). I was surprised today when one got the invite email, but was unable to load TestFlight because of the older iPad he is using. I found today on my old iPad mini 2 that I could delete TestFlight and re-install (after saying OK to "using last compatible version"). But, I've read that this is likey because I have other devices that have TestFlight on them. How can I support testing of my App on iOS 12 if my beta testers cannot get TestFlight? Is there a work-around?
by bobwki.
Last updated