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I've been posting Consumption Information in response to CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notifications sent to my servers. For months and months the response has been 202 (ACCEPTED). Suddenly on 8/25 everything has switched to 404, which indicates the transactionId is not found. The 404 error doesn't seem to indicate any format problem (and this had been working for some time), just that the transactions aren't recognized to Apple. Has anyone else seen a change in Apple response to sending Consumption information in response to a CONSUMPTION_REQUEST?
by bharris.
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When you create an SKMutablePayment it has a field applicationUsername which corresponds to a username within our service. How is this reflected in purchases (the info the API returns the app which presumably we send to our server) vs info sent via S2S messages which we receive directly from Apple? Is the applicationUsername visible at all in either of these messages (the one returned in the running app via the purchase API as well as the S2S message)?
by bharris.
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So the 12.2 discounts have a well documented call flow.1. You have to determine if a given SKProduct.discounts offer applies (via your server)2. If so you pull pricing information off of the discount to display to the user (among other UI changes you may make)3. If the user proceeds with the purchase you have to sign the offer from your server.4. Then you create a SKPaymentDiscount with the relevant nonce, key, signature, etc5. Assign the SKPaymentDiscount to your SKPayment.paymentDiscount field and also set the SKPayment.applicationUsername6. Add that payment to the SKPaymentQueueWhat I'm not as clear with is the older 11.2 introductoryPrice call flow. From what I understand it looks like1. If there is an introductoryPrice Look up if the user is eligible for an introductory price (must have had no prior intro purchases)2. If the user is eligible pull the pricing information off of the SKProductDiscount to display to the user (among any other UI changes)3. Then, and this is where I get lost, how do you configure the SKPayment to include the introductoryPrice if it's included or not include it if its not appropriate?SKPayment.paymentDiscount was added in 12.2 so it does not appear to apply.What am I missing. Once you determine if the introductoryPrice applies to this user there's got to be a way to signal that to SKPaymentQueue.Thanks.
by bharris.
Last updated