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I have looked a bit in the iOS 9.3 API Diffs, as well as searching the developer website and these forums, and did not see any references.Is there an API determine if Night Shift is active?
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While working on an app that uses a custom player based on AVFoundation, ie not based on AVPlayerViewController, I was unable to get picture-in-picture to start while the app was in the background with Group Activities. It turns out we were initiating and configuring our AVPictureInPictureController after coordinating our GroupSession with the players AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator. Once we setup the picture-in-picture controller first, then coordinated the group session, background picture-in-picture started working. Hope this helps others in the same situation.
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I'm curious to know what AVAsset usse to determine the return value of compatibleWithAirPlayVideo - I was unable to locate anything in the documentation and an internet search doesn't return up any answers either. There are certain instances where I would like an AVURLAsset to return false from this function, and I'd like to know if there is a key that can be added to the m3u8 manifest to achieve this.
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