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In my Swift UI based app, I have a Navigation View. To make the background of the Navigation View white, I added this code in my AppDelegate UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = .white UINavigationBar.appearance().setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: .default)In iOS 13.3 and below, this view extends up to the the top of the screen, encompassing the StatusBar, so my scrolling content is not visible above the Navigation View. in iOS 13.4, this does not work, and my content can be seen above the Navigation View, in the Status Bar. Has anyone else seen this? Not setting the background image makes the navigation bar and status bar opaque, or maybe slightly. translucent, but the color is wrong.
by atomic7.
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I see this warning "SDK path collision for path.../Applications/'>': SDK with name 'iphoneos14.4' being superseded by SDK with 'iphoneos14.4'." on my build server, any idea what causes this?
by atomic7.
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In the past, if my phone's OS was newer than the supported OS on the version of Xcode I was debugging with, I would copy the appropriate folder from a new version of XCode's DeviceSupport folder into my Xcode's DeviceSupport folder and then I was able to debug on device. In my current position, I don't have the requisite permissions to perform this operation, yet to my surprise, I am able to debug my 13.4 device from Xcode 11.3. Is this a documented change in the behavior of Xcode? Also, sometimes, but not always the 13.4 simulators show up in Xcode 11.3, which is also weird, is anyone else seeing this behavior?
by atomic7.
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I'm trying to implementoverride public func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any?in an INIntent subclass, but when I do, I get this error message: "Overriding 'value' must be as available as declaration it overrides"I believe this is due to the class declaration being wrapped in an @available(iOS 12.0, *) attribute. So, how do I override this method?The reason I need to do this is that I've added a property to an existing Intent, and when I try to access this property ion an intent that was created before it was added, I get an NSUnknownKeyException. This is happening in iOS 12, and perhaps 13 (I don't recall). Should I create a new intent Class with this new property to avoid this, or is there a known workaround?
by atomic7.
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